Giving to the church

The Church at Seedfield, as with any group or organisation, has financial needs in order to fulfil its mission. At Seedfield we aim to be as transparent as possible about our finances.

As a Church we are almost totally reliant on the committed giving of our friends and members, both on a monthly and weekly basis. Though our income is supplemented to a small extent by renting our church hall, the lion’s share of our income comes from the faithful giving of all those involved in Seedfield.

As part of the Methodist Church, we contribute, along with other Methodist churches in the Bury Circuit, to a central cost which largely represents the cost of supporting the Circuit Ministers and their accommodation. This is, by far, our largest financial need each year. The church also supports a number of missionaries working with other organisations. Only once we have met these costs, do we begin to meet the local costs associated with having a building and supporting and running the range of ministries and services out of our building.

If you would like to know more about how to join with all those already giving to the ministry of Seedfield, either on a weekly or monthly basis, please speak with the Treasurer, Paul Vipond. We encourage all who gave and who are taxpayers to Gift Aid their giving because this effectively enhances every £4 given by another £1. If you would like to know more about Gift Aid, please speak to our Gift Aid Secretary, John Wroe. Please contact us at


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